
Moka 與 C&T 宣布戰(zhàn)略合作,攜手革新香港人才管理

在全球招聘和人才管理領域不斷創(chuàng)新的 Moka,與提供全面人力資本管理(HCM)解決方案的領先企業(yè) C&T (科聯(lián)系統(tǒng)集團有限公司,SEHK46),今日宣布達成戰(zhàn)略合作。此次合作旨在為香港地區(qū)的企業(yè)客戶打造一個集成化、全面的解決方案,通過創(chuàng)新的工具和服務,簡化招聘流程,提升員工參與度。

?MokaHR, a leader in innovative recruitment and talent management solutions, and C&T (Computer And Technologies Holding Limited, SEHK46), a prominent provider of comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, have announced a strategic partnership. This alliance is aimed at delivering an integrated and comprehensive solution to businesses in the region, streamlining recruitment processes and enhancing employee engagement through state-of-the-art tools and services.


Moka 的招聘管理系統(tǒng),Moka Recruiting,以其卓越的用戶體驗和高效的招聘流程優(yōu)化而在行業(yè)中有口皆碑。憑借不斷的創(chuàng)新與技術革新,Moka Recruiting 幫助人力資源團隊專注于構建強大的人才庫,幫助企業(yè)在全球范圍內(nèi)更精準、更高效地吸引并聘用頂尖人才。自去年上線國際版產(chǎn)品以來,Moka 在出海進程中取得了顯著成果,客戶覆蓋東南亞、北美、歐洲及非洲等地,交付速度最快可達兩周之內(nèi)上線,需求快速響應,好評如潮。

?MokaHR’s recruitment management system, Moka Recruiting, is recognized for its superior user experience and efficient recruitment process optimization. With a commitment to innovation and technological advancement, Moka Recruiting assists HR teams in building a robust talent pipeline, enabling companies to attract and hire top talent with precision and efficiency on a global scale. Since its product launch last year, MokaHR has successfully expanded into global markets, including Southeast Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa, with rapid deployment capabilities that have been well-received by clients.

PI HCM 是 C&T 旗下兩個市場領先解決方案 IPL HRMS 與 PLATINUM 的融合精華,通過先進的自動化與數(shù)據(jù)分析技術,進一步提升了人力資源管理流程的效率。PI HCM 人力資源管理平臺,涵蓋了員工和組織管理、薪資管理、休假和考勤跟蹤、員工自助服務、招聘和人才管理、學習與發(fā)展以及員工福利和健康等模塊,旨在連接 HR 與員工,創(chuàng)造一個無縫且富有吸引力的就業(yè)體驗。

PI HCM represents a synergistic fusion of two market-leading solutions, IPL HRMS and PLATINUM, two of the most esteemed Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions from C&T. This integration merges the strengths of both brands, streamlining HR processes with automation and data analytics. PI HCM is a full-fledged HR management solution that encompasses a range of modules, including employee and organization management, payroll management, leave and attendance tracking, employee self-service and engagement, learning and development, as well as employee benefits and wellness. The platform is designed to seamlessly connect HR with employees, creating a compelling employment experience.

“Moka 一直致力于通過技術創(chuàng)新推動人才管理的全球化進程,” Moka 的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼 CEO 李國興表示,“我們的出海戰(zhàn)略不僅幫助我們擴大了全球市場的影響力,也讓我們有機會與像 C&T 這樣的行業(yè)領導者合作,共同為客戶提供更全面、更高效的人力資源解決方案?!?/span>

?“MokaHR is dedicated to driving the evolution of talent management through technology,” said Li Guoxing, Co-founder and CEO of MokaHR. “Our global expansion has not only broadened our global market reach but also opened doors to strategic collaborations with industry leaders like C&T. Together, we are poised to offer our clients a more comprehensive and efficient approach to human resource management.”

?“我們非常榮幸能夠與MokaHR這樣的創(chuàng)新企業(yè)合作,”C&T 的 CEO, Mr. Jon Chung 補充道,“我們雙方的專業(yè)知識和資源的結合,將為香港地區(qū)的企業(yè)提供一個無縫、高效的人才管理體驗,滿足香港人力資源專業(yè)人士的多樣化需求?!?/span>

?“We are thrilled to partner with an industry innovator like MokaHR,” commented CEO, Mr. Jon Chung from C&T. “The synergy of our expertise and resources will deliver a seamless and efficient talent management experience to Hong Kong businesses, catering to the diverse needs of the region’s HR professionals.”



?This partnership is about more than just technology; it’s about enhancing the way organizations connect with their most valuable asset: their people. The collaboration between MokaHR and C&T will deepen the commitment to ecosystem development, offering clients a more comprehensive and efficient service experience through shared resources and technological innovation.


